I may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
Being home, in quarantine, has brought some of my best moments but also some of my worse. I began to realize that I needed to carve out more me time. I can’t be the best mom and wife if I’m unhappy with myself. My temper is short, my aggravations reach a boiling point very early in the day, my husband has to listen to me use stern voices with our kids while he is trying to work and take calls from our basement. It wasn’t and isn’t good for any of us.
But how? How do I find this time? And what do I do that is going to fill my cup back up? What is going to make me feel happier?
Working out is one of those things for me. I currently use Beachbody On Demand for my at home workouts. Mostly because I fell in love with PiYo a looooooong time ago and it’s what works best for me. I don’t have to worry about getting to a gym or scheduling time with my husband or a sitter so I can go. Plus there are so many options for me that I can change things up.
Now don’t get me wrong. Working out with twins at home isn’t easy. Someone is usually crawling under me while I’m doing a plank or downdog. Someone is usually stealing my weights as I try to do some curls or squats. But, if I want my sanity, I need to make it work.
The goal is to get up before the kids do, but again, being real here, my ass is too lazy and enjoys sleep way too much. Also, some days my MS fatigue is just too much and I can barely manage to move off the couch, never mind get a work out in. It’s all about balance and figuring out what is going to work for me each day.